
Sunday 10 May 2015

Key Financial Indicator for Operation Analysis

Operational Analysis is a method to examine the current and historical performance of operation. It is very creative in nature and should trigger consideration of how the objectives could be better met, how cost should be saved, and even the organization be performing a PARTICULAR Function.
      Operation Analysis must answer the some question from specific areas of
·         Strategic and business results
·         Financial Performance
·         Market and industry trends
·         Customer Results
·         Innovation
There are some Financial Indicator which helps like a boon in Operation Analysis viz;

Working Capital
Is the difference of Current assets and Current liabilities
Accounts Receivables Days
The time period within which the Receivables converts into cash
Accounts Payable Days
The time period within which the payables are setoff
Inventory Days
The average no. of days a firm hold its inventory.
Operating Cash Flow
Net cash flow from Operation
Operating Cycle
The average no. of days a firm need to collect the cash it used to purchase inventory.
Operating Cash Flow Margin
Is the difference between the revenue of the firm and the Operating cash  flow.                                                 
Return On Equity
Net profit per Equity
Labor cost ratio ( employee to sale ratio)
Cost incurred per employee
Sales per employee
Sales generated per employee
Fixed Asset turnover ratio
Fixed assets to sales
Debt to equity ratio
Long term Debt to Equity (shareholder’s fund)
Cash Flow leverage
Debt to EBITDA.
Cash Flow Coverage
The operating cash flow used to generate business funded.
Return On assets
Ratio of Net Income to Total Avg. Assets
Asset Composition
Percentage of each class of assets to Total assets

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